
What basic gear is needed for soccer?

One of the great things about soccer is that you don't need a lot of gear to play. Soccer only requires a few basic pieces of equipment, including a ball, clothing, shin guards and footwear. With these few basic pieces, you can play a pick-up game or competitive soccer.


One of the most basic -- and most important -- pieces of soccer equipment is the ball. FIFA specifies that soccer balls must be spherical, with circumference between 27 and 28 inches. It also specifies that the ball should weigh 14 to 16 ounces at the beginning of the game and have air pressure of 8.5 pounds per square inch.

Jersey and Shorts

Players must wear a jersey and shorts. They are permitted to
wear undershirts, but the sleeve of the undershirt must match the color of the jersey's sleeve. Players can also wear undershorts, and they must be the same color as the shorts. Players must keep their jerseys on during the game. 

Shin Guards and Socks
FIFA requires all players to wear shin guards. They must be made of rubber, plastic or a similar material, and provide reasonable protection to the player. The referee will check players' shin guards before they enter the field to ensure that they provide sufficient protection. Soccer players must wear socks that cover the shin guards entirely.

Soccer players must wear footwear. This can simply be a pair of running shoes, but most players prefer specialized soccer shoes. 

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